
September 18, 2015

At last...sweet potatoes!

Today was the moment of truth...did I have sweet potatoes, or just a big mess of vines?  I've never grown them before, so I waited out the months just hoping something was happening under the tangle of foliage.  I planted 9 vines in half of a 3' x 12' bed, okra got the other half.

First peek under the exciting!  

I think it's a decent yield for a small space.

First bucket.

I've taken over my Honey's work table in his shop.  They'll cure here for a while.

This is what else is going on in my vegetable patch, which was planted Monday.  First, an array of greens...


Five different kinds of lettuce...

I also have cabbage, tomatoes, and squash planted.  I hope to get onions put in this week.

Now for some color!  I was doing a  little clean up in the shade gardens this morning, after digging the potatoes.  The coleus are so beautiful this time of year, I want to share some of my favorites.

OK, I'll stop.  I have to show you just one more...remember this little guy that seeded in a rock...I posted him in spring.

I don't know how he keeps growing, he's rooted in the moss on the rock, but here he is.

Just a few pictures of the shade gardens that are thriving in our wetter, slightly cooler, weather.

Good bye for now~happy gardening.


  1. Congrats on your sweet potato harvest! Ours aren't ready for pulling yet. You've got a wonderful veggie bed going! Y'all must be getting all of the rain that keeps missing us. ;0D
    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Hurray for all of those sweet potatoes. Your veggie beds look great! I look forward to watching things grow and produce.

    Your coleus and other plants look lovely and healthy. We've sure been getting the rain down here this past week.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  3. Your sweet potatoes look great. I've always wanted to give them a try. I need to get going on my vegetable garden,too. What a great selection of coleus in your garden. They add so much wonderful color. They are one of those plants where it would be impossible to pick a favorite.

  4. Congratulations on your sweet potatoes! We harvested ours about two weeks ago and got about 30 pounds. Last year we had a lot of vole damage, but not this year. We were so glad.

    Your blog has really given me a new appreciation for coleus! So many colors and patterns! They're all so pretty. I want to try some next year.

  5. Love the sweet potatoes. I've always wanted to grow some but it's just too cold here for us to even try. Your coleus are gorgeous as well!

  6. Congratulations! What a wonderful harvest of sweet potatoes! Must have been so exciting to find them all there! Love to see all the different colors of coleus too and all the little seedlings coming up in such neat little lines! It's so much fun to grow things from seeds! Have a lovely week!

    Xx Kate

  7. You're not kidding - those coleus are absolutely gorgeous! And you have a great haul of sweet potatoes! Oh, I wish I could vegetable room and not allowed. I can have a tomato plant in a pot, something like that, but no plotting according to our HOA. (I think they're a little strict, we may have to move, lol) I love your cover photo so much! I like how you change it according to the season and what's going on in the garden. Your pics are wonderful, as always! Happy Autumn!
