
February 21, 2016

This Is For the Birds

This is for the birds, literally!  They're providing color in my garden, while the landscape is still dreary.  When spring arrives I won't have the luxury of sitting quietly waiting on them to appear, so I'm enjoying them now.  We have lots of cardinals, first to the feeders in the morning and the last to leave at night.

The Common Ground-Dove are much smaller than Mourning Doves.  We have a pair of these that always nest inside the gazebo.

This cool guy is a Gray Catbird.

A Goldfinch and friends.

Our state bird, the Mockingbird.  This one is very ornery, she patrols our front yard and constantly puts the Bluebirds to rout.


We have one lone Robin that has been here since the first of January.  The Mockingbird chases him off every morning, but he always returns.

A favorite of mine, small bird with a big voice...Carolina Wren.

I walked down by the water today, hoping to find a water bird.  Tibouchina is still blooming down there...

And, there was a bird, a Great Egret.  I learned today the only difference between the Snowy and the Great Egret is the color of their feet.  They both have black legs, but the Great also has black feet, while the Snowy has bright yellow feet.  This guy is a Great Egret...

He was also an excellent fisher, evidenced by what's in his mouth.

I hope you are all enjoying whatever you're doing.  Spring is just around the corner...I can almost feel it.

February 15, 2016

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day~February 2016~Central Florida

Thirty-four more days until spring!  But, calendar time isn't always the best reference to use regarding weather, and you know this well if you garden. Weather conditions in Central Florida has been upside-down this winter.  It by-passed us completely until late in January, and now after a few frosty mornings, we are getting another reprieve.  Very few plants are in bloom, after all, it is February.

Sunny Knock Out Rose, 'Radsunny'

'Gene Boerner' Rose

'La Marne' Rose

'Valentines Day' Rose

I pruned about half my roses yesterday, and hope to finish the rest today.  The middle of February is the best time for this in Central Florida, and other than being scratched up by the thorns, I enjoy the task.  Two other plants that are in bloom, and smell as sweet as any rose ever could, are these...


Tea Olive

Azaleas are just beginning to bloom.  This is 'Mrs. G.G. Gerbing'.

One of my most faithful plants, Gloriosa Lilies, lost most of their buds during the last frost.  This one that bloomed inside the gazebo, may be the last until spring.

New Zealand Tea Tree is an evergreen shrub, unaffected by our winters.

Japonica Camellias are still blooming, but most blooms are frost bitten or wind burnt.  This 'Desire' shrub is somewhat protected from frost and wind.

Tibouchina is a great plant for Central Florida, nearly ever-blooming for me.  Cooler weather brings about a nice  touch of red on the leaves.

Here's my newest baby, still looking good.  I got her about two weeks ago and she still has some original flowers, plus a lot more.  I think she's going to be a winner...Tractor Seat.

Happy GBBD!  So many more blooms to see over at May Dreams Gardens.

February 5, 2016

Tractor Seat

I want to share this cool plant that I found at Walmart the other day.  No, I couldn't resist.  And yes, I am that gardener the 'experts' write about...the person that has to have one of everything.  Sorry, but I'll work it into my shade gardens and you'll hardly notice it's all alone.  This plant has been around a long time, but as we know, plants fall in and out of favor.  I love that it looks like it's name...Tractor Seat!  The plant tag states that it can take 4-8 hours of sun daily, but others that grow it say it can only take a sprinkling of sun.

Farfugium japonicum, Tractor Seat

Hence the name, but if you're very young, you may not see the likeness.

Other than Knockout roses, there's not much blooming here.  This rose has suffered a little from the cold, but she's trying.

'Valentine's Day' Rose

Turk's Cap still has a few blooms.

My time right now is being spent tidying up flower beds, and starting seedlings.  I sowed lots of Purple Coneflower, Sweet Peas, and 'Lady in Red' Scarlet Sage', as well as others.  Also getting a head start on tomatoes and 'Parris Island' Romaine.

Thanks to all of you for visiting.