
August 21, 2016

August Garden

Hell-o everyone!  I've been running in and out of the A/C today to get a few photos so I could share a post with you today.  I've been enjoying a number of post vacation, and 'new adventure' blogs from you guys.  My world has been pretty static this summer - awaiting cooler weather, like most everyone else.  I didn't spend much time out in our Florida sunshine, but I ventured out there just long enough to photograph my Purple Coneflowers... 

A Gulf Fritillary wandered by and landed on one of the least attractive flowers, but I didn't wait around for him to move to a prettier one.

The Pagoda Flowers and Firebushes are visited by hummingbirds throughout the day, but not when I am holding a camera...

The only other sun loving plant I photographed was one of the Beautyberry bushes.  They have been dripping with fruit this year, bowed over with the weight...

I retreated to the coolness (or less hot) back yard, under the oak canopy.  The shade gardens are as colorful as any flower garden, and best of all, they need little attention once planted.  I have caladiums everywhere and as they return each year they keep getting larger.  I've got pots of single varieties...

Pots of mixed...

Simple green and white caladiums...

Little guys that look as though they were splashed with paint...

A rainbow of colors...

Across the yard, in a tropical plant border, there's freckled faces...

Another favorite shade plant of mine is the Toad Lily, which like caladiums. return each year.

   I noticed today the Camellia shrubs are chock-full of buds.  That's one of the wonderful aspects of gardening...there's always something to look forward to.  I hope you're all having the BEST summer ever!